Roast my LinkedIn post

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Aspiring Creator
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Why LinkedIn restrict the account? Many people face this problem I have some points about why LinkedIn account was suspended and also a solution: 1) Breaking Rules: → Posting inappropriate stuff or harassing others. Solution: Stick to LinkedIn's rules and be respectful to others. 2) Fake Info: → Using false names or pretending to be someone else. Solution: Keep your profile info honest and accurate. 3) Strange Activity: → Logging in from lots of different places too often. Solution: Use LinkedIn normally and avoid suspicious behavior. 4) Spamming: → Sending lots of unwanted messages or ads. Solution: Don't spam; focus on genuine interactions. 5) Bad Content: → Sharing rude or disrespectful things Solution: Keep your posts professional and friendly. 6) Multiple Accounts: → Having more than one profile without a good reason. Solution: Stick to just one LinkedIn account. 7) Too Many Requests: → Sending lots of friend requests to people you don't know. Solution: Only connect with people you genuinely know or want to network with. 8) Using Too Many Keywords: → Stuffing your profile or posts with random words. Solution: Use keywords naturally and only when they fit. 9) Using Bots: → Allowing robots to handle your LinkedIn activities for you. Solution: Interact with others yourself, without using automation tools. 10) Copyright Problems: → Sharing things that you don't own. Solution: Respect copyright laws and only share content that's yours or that you have permission to use. By avoiding these things, you can keep your LinkedIn account safe and active. Follow me, Arslan Iqbal, for more tips and insights. If this was helpful, ♻️ Repost to help others! more
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🍖 Your roast:

Now •
Engagement's 6-point plan is not bore them. Bounce your readers as ball on trampoline! Confusion, yours is: drowning in lengthy lines. 1. Dragged on forever, your 'hook' did. 2. Ponder 20 philosophers, or dullness be? 3. Yawn-inducing daily points, mines not they are. Speed, clarity & zing, strategies of rebel brands be. Lost your audience will be, in translation mishaps. Search for elixir of interest end your quest now. ######## Why care I do? Future LinkedIn comedians we need. Talk to us, your enlightenment in comments left. more
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🍖 Your full roast:

Why stop scroll you should with mind-numbing yawns? Engaging challenges you must embrace. Storytelling sweet juice it is. Follow me (or perhaps not) if wisdom as rare as unicorns seek you do.

Roast this post, I must... Delight in banter, you will.

Ahh, start we shall: Hmm...

Why LinkedIn restrict the account?

A profound start, this is not… Less hook, more missed punch to Yoda's face.

Many people face this problem

Captivating it is not... Less rehook, more train wreck.

I have some points...

Solve the mystery you do... But excitement like soggy bread it has, hmmm.

Now, dissect the list:

1) Breaking Rules:

*Waves hand* - 'Break no rules' your wisdom? Spectacular revelation, truly.

2) Fake Info:

Honest directions, true... Shocking as wet water they are.

3) Strange Activity:

Shoof, be normal on LinkedIn, remember we must.

Ah... Stops here we should... Rinse and repeat you do... Octopus in teacup it seems...

Follow me, Arslan Iqbal...

Only if monopoly on wisdom you claim, hmm?

Smile I do... Three notes of wisdom leave you with:

  • Be the scroll stopper our era deserves.
  • Story, tell it – mysteries revealed yours to excite.
  • In every line, punch excitement serve you must.
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